This function takes a dataset and a specified column representing a single categorical or binary variable (e.g., level of education) and creates a table of response percentages. The table can be optionally styled using `kableExtra` for better visualization.
question_table(data, x, cnames = c("Measure", "Yes (%)"), kbl_styling = TRUE)
A data frame containing the dataset to be analyzed.
The name of the column in `data` containing the question.
A character vector of length 2 specifying the column names for the resulting table. The first element is for the category name and the second for the percentages. Defaults to c("Measure", "Yes (pecent)")
A logical value indicating whether to style the table with `kableExtra`. Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, the table is returned with `kableExtra` styling applied.
A table of percentages for the specified question. If `kbl_styling` is TRUE, the table is styled with `kableExtra` and suitable for markdown rendering. Otherwise, a plain data frame is returned.
# Without kable styling
question_table(data = bns2_pkg_data,
x = 'q13',
cnames = c("Level of Education", "Yes %"),
kbl_styling = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#> `Level of Education` `Yes %`
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Less than high school 25 (51.0%)
#> 2 High school diploma or GED 12 (24.5%)
#> 3 Some college 7 (14.3%)
#> 4 Associate's degree 3 (6.1%)
#> 5 Other/Unknown 2 (4.1%)